Kid’s in Motion classes are designed for kids ages 18 months to 5 years, and are taught in our state-of-the-art Jungle Gym.
Your child will be lead through stations that are challenging, overcome obstacles and learn basic gymnastic skills in a fun environment. Watch as your child develops strength, flexibility and balance.
*Classes and coaches are subject to change or can be dropped
Busy Bees
Age: 18 months – 3 years
Fees: $136 for 10 weeks
Time: 45 minutes
This class is designed to help your child develop social and motor skills.
We begin each session with listening time. First, we gather in a circle to do fun stretches, sing and dance to songs and take turns showing off our rolls. Next we move on to the circuits where your child will learn jumping, balancing, swinging and strength through various stations. After stations we return to the circle for listening time.
Some of the additional activities include parachute, songs, riding the Rody’s, obstacle course and bubbles.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 9:30am, 5:15pm
Tue. 10:00am, 6:00pm
Wed. 4:00pm
Thur. 6:00pm
Sat. 9:00am
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 9:30am, 5:15pm
Tue. 10:00am, 6:00pm
Wed. 4:00pm
Thur. 6:00pm
Sat. 9:00am
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 9:30am, 5:30pm
Tue. 10:00am, 5:45pm
Wed. 4:00pm
Thur. 5:45pm
Fri. 9:00am
Sat. 9:00am
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 9:30am
Tue. 10:00am, 5:30pm
Wed. 4:00pm
Thur. 5:45pm
Fri. 9:00am
Sat. 9:00am
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 9:30am, 5:30pm
Tue. 10:15am
Wed. 4:00pm
Thur. 9:00am, 6:00pm
Age: 3 years
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour
This is an independent class without parents. Coaches will challenge each child in an obstacle course format. This allows for everyone to stay busy to grow stronger bodies and sharp minds. Stations change weekly and children will learn basic skills on floor, bars, beam, springboard and trampoline.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 10:15am, 4:00pm, 4:45pm
Tue. 9:00am, 10:15am, 4:45pm, 5:45pm
Wed. 4:15pm, 5:15pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm
Thur. 10:45am, 4:00pm, 5:30pm
Sat. 9:45am
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 10:15am, 4:00pm, 4:45pm
Tue. 9:00am, 10:15am, 4:45pm, 5:45pm
Wed. 4:15pm, 5:15pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm
Thur. 10:45am, 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 5:30pm
Sat. 9:45am
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 10:15am, 4:15pm, 5:00pm
Tue. 9:00am, 10:15am, 5:00pm, 6:00pm
Wed. 4:45pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm
Thur. 10:00am, 4:00pm, 4:30pm
Fri. 10:45am, 4:00pm
Sat. 9:45am
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 10:15am, 4:15pm, 4:30pm, 4:45pm
Tue. 9:00am, 10:15am, 4:30pm, 6:00pm
Wed. 4:45pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm
Thur. 4:00pm, 4:15pm
Fri. 10:45am
Sat. 9:45am
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 10:15am, 11:15am, 4:00pm, 5:00pm
Tue. 9:00am, 9:15am, 4:30pm, 6:30pm
Wed. 4:30pm, 5:30pm (x2), 6:00pm
Thur. 10:45am, 4:00pm, 5:30pm
Fri. 4:30pm, 6:45pm
Age: Level 1 – 4 & 5 years
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour
This is a fast paced class full of rolling, bouncing and basic gymnastic skills. Your child will be learning skills on floor, bars, beam, springboard and trampoline. Classes are designed to help your child develop confidence and knowledge of skills for needed for the next level.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 9:15am, 10:15am, 5:00pm, 6:00pm
Tue. 9:15am, 6:45pm (2 classes)
Wed. 5:00pm, 6:15pm, 7:00pm
Thur. 9:00am, 9:45am, 5:00pm, 5:15pm, 6:00pm, 6:45pm
Sat. 9:30am, 10:45am
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 9:15am, 10:15am, 5:00pm, 6:00pm
Tue. 9:15am, 6:45pm, 6:45pm
Wed. 5:00pm, 6:15pm, 7:00pm
Thur. 9:00am, 10:00am, 5:15pm, 6:00pm, 6:45pm
Sat. 9:30am, 10:45am
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 11:15am, 5:15pm, 6:00pm
Tue. 11:15am, 1:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm
Wed. 5:00pm, 5:15pm, 5:45pm, 6:15pm. 6:45pm, 7:00pm
Thur. 11:00am, 5:00pm, 5:15pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm
Fri. 9:45am, 5:00pm
Sat. 10:00am
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 11:15am, 5:45pm
Tue. 11:15am, 1:30pm, 6:15pm
Wed. 5:00pm, 5:15pm, 5:45pm, 6:45pm, 7:00pm
Thur. 4:30pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm
Fri. 9:45am, 4:00pm, 5:00pm
Sat. 9:45am, 10:00am, 11:00am
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 9:15am, 10:15am, 11:15am, 4:45pm, 6:00pm
Tue. 10:00am, 5:30pm, 6:45pm
Wed. 5:00pm, 6:30pm, 7:00pm
Thur. 9:45am, 5:00pm, 5:15pm, 6:15pm, 6:45pm
Fri. 5:30pm
Age: Level 2 – 4 & 5 years
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour
This class is for students who have a basic knowledge of gymnastics. Your child will be learning more advanced skills such as cartwheels and handstands. Superstars are taught in an obstacle course format to allow children to stay active, improve strength, flexibility and have lots of fun!!
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 11:15am, 4:45pm, 5:45pm, 6:45pm
Tue. 10:45am, 11:15am, 6:00pm, 7:00pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 4:15pm, 6:15pm
Sat. 11:30am
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 11:15am, 4:45pm, 5:45pm, 6:45pm
Tue. 10:45am, 11:15am, 6:00pm, 7:00pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 4:15pm, 6:15pm
Sat. 11:30am
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 6:15pm, 7:00pm
Tue. 9:15am, 7:00pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 6:15pm
Fri. 6:00pm
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 5:15pm, 6:45pm
Tue. 9:15am, 6:15pm, 7:00pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 6:15pm
Fri. 6:00pm
Sat. 10:45am
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 4:30pm, 5:45pm, 6:30pm
Tue. 11:15am, 12:30pm, 5:45pm, 6:45pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 4:15pm, 6:00pm
Age: Level 3 – 4 & 5 years
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour
This is an advanced class in which your gymnast will need a cartwheel, kick to wall handstand, strong bridge, beam and bar confidence to enroll. Coaches will teach advanced skills in a fun environment. Our goal is to stay safe, have fun and learn awesome gymnastic skills.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 5:45pm
Tue. 12:30pm
Thur. 4:30pm
Sat. 10:30am
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 5:45pm
Tue. 12:30pm
Thur. 4:30pm
Sat. 10:30am
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 6:00pm
Tue. 12:30pm
Thur. 5:30pm
Sat. 11:00am
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 5:30pm
Tue. 12:30pm
Wed. 6:15pm
Thur. 5:15pm
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 5:30pm
Thur. 4:30pm
Fri. 6:45pm
Age: Level 4 – 4 & 5 years
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour
This unique class is taught in the big gym and is available through invitation only. It is an ideal class for children who are advanced, but who are to young for our 6 & up recreational classes.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 4:00pm
Tue. 4:30pm
Thur. 6:45pm
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 4:00pm
Tue. 4:30pm
Thur. 6:45pm
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Tue. 4:30pm
Thur. 6:45pm
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 6:45pm
Tue. 4:30pm
Thur. 5:45pm
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 4:00pm
Tue. 4:15pm
Thur. 6:45pm
Our boys gymnastics program has different age requirements. Tiny Titans is for ages 4 & 5, all other levels are for ages 5 and up. For children under 5, check out our Kids In motion program.
We strive to provide our students with a non-competitive, fun and safe environment. We nurture both the physical and mental growth of our gymnast preparing them for all areas of life. Gymnastics allows athletes to develop strength, flexibility and agility.
Classes begin with a 10-15 minute stretch and warm up. Stretching is a vital part of class as it prevents injuries. Be on time, dress like an athlete and if you have long hair, wear it up.
All gymnasts receive progression cards that are sent home each session. When skills have been checked off by their coach, they may progress to the next level.
*Classes and coaches are subject to change or can be dropped
Tiny Titans
Age: 4 & 5 years
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour
This class is taught in the big gym. Athletes will experience floor, bars, vault, pommel horse, rings, and parallel bars. 4 year olds who are new to World Class, must start in the Kids in Motion program in our Jungle Gym. Once the coach feels the athlete is ready for the main gym, he will be moved at that time.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Wed. 4:30pm
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Wed. 4:30pm
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Wed. 4:30pm
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Wed. 4:15pm
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Wed. 4:30pm
Boys 8+
Age: 8 & up
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ¼ hours
Winter Session
January 1st – March 9th
Thur. 6:30pm
Spring Session
March 11th – May 18th
Thur. 6:30pm
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
No Classes
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
No classes
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
No classes
Boys Level 1
Age: 5 & up
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ¼ hours
This class is designed for the first time gymnast. In all levels of men’s gymnastics, strength and flexibility training is a priority. Athletes get basic exposure to all six events (floor, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars, and high bar) as well as instruction on tumble trak. Instructors emphasize development of the cartwheel, handstand, and basic skills on all events.
Winter Session
January 1st – March 9th
Wed. 5:30pm
Thur. 5:15pm
Spring Session
March 11th – May 18th
Wed. 5:30pm
Thur. 5:15pm
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
No Classes
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
No classes
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
No classes
Boys Level 2
Age: 5 & up
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ¼ hours
Tailored to athletes with a small gymnastic background, the level 2 class continues the development of basic gymnastic skills while emphasizing the importance of strength and flexibility. Gymnasts will continue to learn challenging gymnastic skills (round off & back hip circles) in a fun and rewarding atmosphere.
Winter Session
January 1st – March 9th
Wed. 6:45pm L2/3
Spring Session
January 1st – March 9th
Wed. 6:45pm L2
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
No Classes
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
No classes
Holiday Session
October 16th – December 23rd
No classes

Boys Level 3
Age: 5 & up
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ¼ hours
This class is for the experienced gymnast. Level 3 introduces athletes to a vast array of challenging skills (back handsprings and fly aways). Continued development of strength and flexibility allows each athlete the opportunity to excel.
Winter Session
January 1st – March 9th
Wed. 6:45pm L2/3
Spring Session
March 11th – May 18th
No classes
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
No Classes
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
No classes
Holiday Session
October 16th – December 23rd
No classes

Boys Level 4
Age: 5 & up
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ¼ hours
Athletes get exposure to all six events (floor, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars, and high bar) as well as instruction on tumble track. Development of strength and flexibility is a key component of this class.
Winter Session
January 1st – March 9th
No classes
Spring Session
March 11th – May 18th
No classes
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
No Classes
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
No classes
Holiday Session
October 16th – December 23rd
No classes
Our girls gymnastics program is for ages 6 and up. For children under 6, check out our Kids In motion program.
We strive to provide our students with a non-competitive, fun and safe environment. We nurture both the physical and mental growth of our gymnast preparing them for all areas of life. Gymnastics allows athletes to develop strength, flexibility and agility.
Classes begin with a 10-15 minute stretch and warm up. Stretching is a vital part of class as it prevents injuries. Be on time, dress like an athlete and if you have long hair, wear it up.
All gymnasts receive progression cards that are sent home each session. When skills have been checked off by their coach, they may progress to the next level.
*Classes and coaches are subject to change or can be dropped
Girls Level 1
Age: 6 & up
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ¼ hours
Level 1 is designed to provide the introductory skills of gymnastic training. Floor skills include forward, backward and straddle rolls, cartwheel, handstand and a bridge. On beam, gymnasts learn basic walks such as kick, dip, hops and backwards. Bar rotation will cover pullover, casting and backhip circle. Vault covers basic jumps and the correct way to approach and jump from the springboard.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 4:15pm, 5:30pm
Tue. 5:30pm
Wed. 4:15pm
Thur. 5:30pm
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 4:15pm, 5:30pm
Tue. 5:30pm
Wed. 4:15pm
Thur. 5:30pm
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 4:15pm, 5:30pm
Tue. 5:30pm
Wed. 4:15pm
Thur. 5:30pm
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 5:15pm, 5:30pm
Tue. 5:30pm
Thur. 6:30pm
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 4:15pm, 5:30pm
Tue. 5:30pm
Wed. 4:15pm
Thur. 5:30pm
Girls Level 2
Age: 6 & up
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ¼ hours
To advance to level 2, gymnasts must successfully complete skills from the evaluation forms that are sent home toward the end of the session. Examples of skills gymnasts will be learning are handstand forward rolls, front limbers & backbend kickovers using mats as well as a standing round off.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 5:30pm, 6:45pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:30pm, 6:45pm
Wed. 5:30pm
Thur. 6:45pm
Fri. 5:45pm
Sat. 9:30am
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 5:30pm, 6:45pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:30pm, 6:45pm
Wed. 5:30pm
Thur. 6:45pm
Fri. 5:45pm
Sat. 9:30am
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 5:30pm, 6:00pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:30pm, 6:45pm
Wed. 5:30pm
Thur. 6:30pm
Fri. 5:45pm
Sat. 9:30am
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 4:00pm, 6:30pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:30pm, 6:45pm
Wed. 6:45pm
Fri. 5:45pm
Sat. 9:30am
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 5:30pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:30pm, 6:45pm
Wed. 5:30pm
Thur. 6:45pm
Fri. 5:45pm
Sat. 9:30am
Girls Level 3
Age: 6 & up
Fees: $199 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ¼ hours
Once skills are attained from level 2 gymnast may advance to level 3. At this level, students learn to perfect all the skills taught in level 2 on the floor without mats as well as running round off and introduction to back and front walkovers. Gymnasts will perform pullover and back hip circle without a spot on bars and begin front hip circles, jump to block on vault.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 4:15pm, 6:45pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:15pm, 5:45pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 4:15pm
Fri. 4:30pm
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 4:15pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:15pm, 5:45pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 4:15pm
Fri. 4:30pm
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 4:15pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:15pm, 5:45pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 4:15pm
Fri. 4:30pm
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 4:15pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:15pm, 5:45pm
Wed. 4:00pm
Fri. 4:30pm
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 4:15pm, 6:45pm
Tue. 9:00am L2/3, 4:15pm, 5:45pm
Wed. 4:30pm
Thur. 4:15pm
Fri. 4:30pm
Girls Level 4
Age: 6 & up
Fees: $236 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 ½ hours
Level 4 gymnasts will be learning back and front hand springs on floor, front hip circle, glide swings and shoot through on bars, handstand and cartwheel on beam, flatback on vault.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 4:30pm L4/5
Tue. 4:30pm
Wed. 5:45pm
Thur. 4:30pm L4/5
Fri. 4:30pm
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 4:15pm L4/5
Tue. 4:30pm
Wed. 5:45pm
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 4:15pm (L4/5), 6:45pm
Wed. 5:45pm
Thur. 4:15pm
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 4:15pm (L4/5), 6:45pm
Wed. 5:15pm
Thur. 4:00pm
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 4:30pm L4/5
Tue. 4:30pm
Wed. 5:45pm
Thur. 4:30pm L4/5
Girls Level 5
Age: 6 & up
Fees: $265 for 10 weeks
Time: 2 hours
Level 5 gymnasts will be mastering a standing back handspring and round off back handspring. On bars, gymnasts will learn a shoot through and a stride circle.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 4:30pm L4/5, 6:00pm L5/6
Tue. 6:00pm L5/6
Thur. 4:30pm L4/5, 6:00pm L5/6
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 4:15pm L4/5, 5:45pm L5/6
Tue. 6:00pm L5/6
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 4:15pm (L4/5), 5:45pm (L5/6)
Tue. 5:00pm (L5/6)
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 4:15pm (L4/5), 5:45pm (L5/6)
Tue. 5:00pm (L5/6)
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 4:30pm L4/5, 6:00pm L5/6
Tue. 6:00pm L5/6
Thur. 4:30pm L4/5, 6:00pm L5/6
Girls Level 6
Age: 6 & up
Fees: $265 for 10 weeks
Time: 2 hours
Level 6 gymnasts are working tumbling series on floor, kip on bars and handstand dismounts on beam. These are just a small example of skills your gymnast will be taught by certified coaches.
Fall Session
August 5th – October 12th
Mon. 6:00pm L5/6
Tue. 6:00pm L5/6
Thur. 6:00pm L5/6
Holiday Session
October 14th – December 21st
Mon. 5:45pm L5/6
Tue. 6:00pm L5/6
Winter Session
December 30th – March 8th
Mon. 5:45pm (L5/6)
Tue. 5:00pm (L5/6)
Spring Session
March 10th – May 17th
Mon. 5:45pm (L5/6)
Tue. 5:00pm (L5/6)
Summer Session
May 27th – August 3rd
Mon. 6:00pm L5/6
Tue. 6:00pm L5/6
Thur. 6:00pm L5/6