2346 Mascoutah Ave

Belleville, IL 62221



Ninja Warrior

Ninja Warrior Classes

As seen on tv our American Ninja Warrior classes will be held on our new ninja course. Ages 5 & Up.

Meet The Instructor

John is a veteran American Ninja Warrior competitor, competing on seasons 9, 10 & 11. If he’s not in the gym training, you’ll probably catch him outside training on the stairs under the Gateway Arch. He is a US competitive stair climber. The tallest building he has climbed is the Willis tower in Chicago. In the past 5 years he has climbed over 80,000 floors. This is why he is known as the StairNinja on American Ninja Warrior.

When not training John spendss most of his time with his wife & two children. His daughter is just 5 months old but his 9 year old son loves ninja warrior obstacles just as much as his dad.


WHITE – if the student is in a Mini Ninja class they get one.
YELLOW – if the student is in a LVL 1 Ninja class.
RED – if the student is in a LVL 2 Ninja class.
MAROON/GREY Swirl – if the student is in a LVL 3 Ninja class
WHITE/BLACK – if the student is in the Parkour Beginning class
YELLOW/BLACK – if the student is in the Parkour Intermediate class
RED/BLACK/YELLOW Swirl – if the student is on the Team.
METALLIC SILVER – Ninja coaches.
CAMO – if the student attends a special ninja event like a ninja clinic or ninja camp this summer.


GREEN – Has beaten the 8ft warped wall up with dismount.
ORANGE – Has beaten the 10ft warped wall up with dismount.
METALLIC GOLD – Has beaten the 14.5 ft warped wall mark on the Meg wall
RED/BLACK – 10 strict pull ups under 1 minute
BLACK/RED Swirl – can dead hang for 3 minutes

NINJA Class Age groups

  • ACADEMY Mini Ninja – 4-5 yrs
  • Level 1 GENIN Ninjas(means lower ninja) – 6-7 yrs
  • Level 2 CHUNIN Ninjas(means middle ninja) – 8-9 yrs
  • Level 3 JONIN Ninjas(means upper ninja) 10+ yrs
  • Team level – DRAGON Ninjas
  • Ninja coaches & head coach known as – KAGE Ninjas (meaning Shadow ninja) Highest level

PARKOUR Class Age Groups

  • Beginners (GRASSHOPPERS) – 5-7 yrs
  • Intermediate (SQUIRRELS) – 8+ yrs

Academy Mini Ninja

Age: 4-5 co-ed
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour

In this class students will be learning the 4 core fundamentals of ninja warrior that will prepare them for the level 1 class once they turn 6. The 4 fundamentals are proper warped wall technique & safety, moving balance, jumping over obstacles & grip strength. They will be learning about the value of perseverance & respect regarding obstacles & helping one another overcome those obstacles.
– Requirements to move up level 1 – and turning 6 within the next session

August 7th – October 14th

Tue. 3:45pm
Thur. 4:00pm, 5:00pm

October 14th – December 21st

Tue. 4:15pm
Wed. 3:45pm, 4:45pm
Thur. 4:45pm, 5:45pm

December 30th – March 8th

Tue. 4:30pm, 5:30pm
Wed. 3:45pm, 4:45pm
Thur. 6:30pm
Fri. 5:00pm

March 10th – May 17th

Mon. 3:45pm, 4:45pm, 5:45pm
Tue. 3:45pm
Wed. 3:45pm, 4:45pm
Thur. 4:30pm

May 27th – August 3rd

Tue. 3:45pm, 4:45pm
Thur. 4:00pm
Fri. 3:45pm, 4:45pm, 5:45pm

Genin Ninja Level 1

Age: 6-7 co-ed
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour

The “Genin” level ninjas (meaning lower ninja) class is designed for 6 & 7 year olds. Students will learn proper warped wall techniques, different grip strengths, moving balance, & how to correctly ring swing. They will  continue to learn about the value of perseverance & respect regarding obstacles & helping one another overcome those obstacles.

August 7th – October 14th

Mon. 5:30pm
Wed. 3:45pm, 4:45pm
Fri. 6:15pm

October 14th – December 21st

Mon. 4:30pm
Wed. 3:45pm, 6:45pm
Thur. 5:30pm
Sat. 9:00am, 11:00am

December 30th – March 8th

Mon. 4:30pm
Tue. 5:30pm
Wed. 3:45pm, 4:45pm
Thur. 5:30pm
Fri. 4:00pm, 5:15pm

March 10th – May 17th

Mon. 4:30pm, 6:45pm
Tue. 4:45pm, 5:30pm
Wed. 3:45pm, 4:45pm
Thur. 5:30pm, 7:30pm

May 27th – August 3rd

Mon. 4:30pm, 5:30pm
Wed. 3:45pm, 4:45pm
Thur. 5:30pm
Fri. 5:45pm

Chunin Ninja Level 2

Age: 8-9 co-ed
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour

The “Chunin” level ninjas (means middle ninja) class is designed for 8 & 9 year olds. Students will learn more advanced balance drills focusing on spinning balance, also learning ways to increase their pull up & grip strength. Students will start to learn how to swing from obstacle to obstacle more efficiently. The kids will start practicing on the peg board as well in class. More emphasis will be put on generating power through explosive movements while running up the 10 ft warped wall. They will continue to learn about the value of perseverance & respect
regarding obstacles & helping one another overcome those obstacles.

August 7th – October 14th

Mon. 6:30pm
Wed. 6:45pm
Fri. 7:15pm

October 14th – December 21st

Mon. 5:30pm
Tue. 3:45pm
Wed. 4:45pm
Thur. 6:30pm
Sat. 10:00am

December 30th – March 8th

Mon. 5:30pm
Tue. 4:30pm
Wed. 5:45pm
Fri. 6:15pm

March 10th – May 17th

Mon. 5:30pm
Tue. 4:30pm, 5:45pm
Wed. 5:45pm
Thur. 5:45pm

May 27th – August 3rd

Mon. 6:30pm
Wed. 6:45pm
Thur. 6:30pm
Fri. 6:45pm

Jonin Ninja Level 3

Age: 10 & up co-ed
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour

The “Jonin” level ninjas (means upper ninja) class is designed for kids 10 years of age or older. Students will continue to increase their grip strength & leg power while introducing them to swinging power. They will start to learn the “L” form hold of the arms & lock offs while swinging & moving through different obstacles. 3 ft Laches will be introduced as well teaching them to let go while in a swing. Proper swing technique will be taught to enable them to be safe & confident while moving through the air. They will start to learn how to move the pegs instead of just moving across them. They will continue to learn about the value of perseverance & respect regarding obstacles &  helping one another overcome those obstacles.

August 7th – October 14th

Mon. 7:30pm
Wed. 5:45pm

October 14th – December 21st

Mon. 6:30pm
Tue. 5:30pm
Wed. 5:45pm

December 30th – March 8th

Mon. 6:30pm
Wed. 6:45pm
Thur. 6:30pm

March 10th – May 17th

Mon. 6:30pm
Wed. 6:45pm
Thur. 6:45pm

May 27th – August 3rd

Mon. 7:30pm
Tues. 5:30pm
Wed. 5:45pm

Beg. Ninja Parkour

Age: 5-7 co-ed
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour

This beginning parkour class introduces the kids to basic movements to help them navigate through obstacles creatively & efficiently. Examples are broad jumps, precision jumps, & basic cat grabs on ledges. Learning skills such as running, jumping, climbing, & crawling to go under, over, & through obstacles. Parkour teaches you to play &  create challenges anywhere, in both built & natural environments.

May 29th – August 5th

No classes

August 7th – October 14th

No classes

October 16th – December 23rd

No classes

Int. Ninja Parkour

Age: 8 & up co-ed
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour

This intermediate parkour class continues to teach the basic movements to help them navigate through obstacles creatively & 
efficiently. But along with the basics the kids will start learning Kong vaults, safety vaults, tic tac runs, cat crawls for balance, & dive safety rolls. Learning skills such as running, jumping, climbing, & crawling to go under, over, & through obstacles. Parkour teaches you to play & create challenges anywhere, in both built & natural environments.

May 29th – August 5th

No classes

August 7th – October 14th

No classes

October 16th – December 23rd

No classes

Adult Ninja

Age: Co-ed
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour

This class is designed for 18+ adults who are wanting to get fit but in a fun & exciting way. Both for beginners & veterans of fitness.  By combining traditional fitness exercises with ninja warrior obstacle training, we bring the fun back into getting fit & healthy.  Train side by side with 3 time American Ninja Warrior John Wilmas, aka the StairNinja to become the best version of you.

Dragon FIT

Age: 18+
Fees: $165 for 10 weeks
Time: 1 hour

Dragon FIT is a circuit fitness training class designed for adults to increase mobility and endurance, while offering a friendly and safe environment to push yourself.

August 7th – October 14th

Mon. 6:30pm
Wed. 6:45pm
Fri. 7:15pm

October 14th – December 21st

Coming Soon

December 30th – March 8th

No classes

March 10th – May 17th

No classes

May 27th – August 3rd

Thur. 7:30pm